Studio SLX

The objective is to enhance the site, which already displays the cultural history of the region, by creating socio-cultural parks with recreational and educational play areas. The project is a walk-through time, a discovery of our world heritage, the whole forms a unit.

The project is an initiating walk through the epochs of time and geography, from the cave to the clouds. It is inscribed between Heaven and Earth, balancing the universes,

to gather them together because they all have a common point, the blossoming of human knowledge, and to achieve this aim, the project consists of a sequence of trips.

The first trip is located in the forest located at the foot of the project. This forest consists of various trees such as red pine, and the walk in the forest allows visitors to be educated about the nature of the trees and their usefulness.

The second trip recalls the sacred caves of our ancestors. This walk will take us from the cave of Iheren, plateau Tadjélahine (Algeria) to Warratyi in the chain of Flinders Australia) through the site of Seokjangni (Korea) at the Cave of Lascaux (France) and then by Bhimbetka (India) at La Cueva de las Manos (Argentina).

From this prehistoric journey, visitors can either head for the elevators, bringing them into the worlds of writing and knowledge, or they will be directed to walk in the upper level of the museum. Discovering the reverse side of the museum’s decors, this allows the meeting between the worker (artisan) and the visitors, leading to an exchange of knowledge, an enhancement of human work and works.

The third trip is between heaven and earth on the tops of trees, As the visitor takes the elevator, he finds himself on the canopy made of various sacred trees that humans use to make raw materials such as Paper (Hanji) and other products.

Between the sky and earth, the visitor can stroll between the various services. A common space allows a connection between spaces whilst splitting it according to the manifestations. The space is multifunctional, inspired by the traditional Korean architecture Daecheong. This area can be expanded and allows for additional space.

When the visitor finally arrives in the space of the permanent exhibition, he discovers the different phases of human writing. The space unfolds to him while enveloping him, he finds himself discovering the richness of human habits, from the Phoenician alphabet to the Latin alphabet, passing by the Asian logic and the Tibetan writing and then discovering the wealth of the alphabet Hangeul one of the most scientific writing systems in the world. The visitor will finish his journey with the latest emojis writings linked to the latest technologies.

In the history of mankind, man has been using language for about 100 thousand years whilst in comparison, writing (which is a relatively recent invention) has only been used for 5,000 years, So this free space allows for the creation of links between each one, the craftsman, the researcher or teacher can meet and exchange with the visitor

This space is also formed of vegetation allowing a relation between the exterior and the interior, the evolution of the infinite. This space takes place in sequence and invites the eye of visitors.

Urban Scale:

The spatial awareness of the territory by reading and exploring the linking text

Initiates movement through the territory. The programming of the site complements the spatial framework by creating new sets of conditions and social issues.

The site becomes an impact in its relationship with Central Park of Songdo, International City, Incheon. It is an element symbolizing the entertainment expectation of today’s society. This impact in the city is the first element of the city multi-X.

Scale of the individual:

The space is multifunctional and a-functional, political opposition to sharpen the sensitivity of people to inhabit the place.

The evolution of people (socially, financially and culturally) must enable the changing habitat. Space is never properly defined (relation space-time).

Creation of vacant space, this space is the ultimate privacy that an individual may have, also a Creating space with diverse ecological function, plant environmental, water.


100% Claytec



10700m2 garden Forest




100% LED + Bulb


Solar Panel


Wind Turbine

Charging station

Recycling rainwater

About us …

SLX is a studio that seeks to be as close as possible to its clients and the project, wherever in the world the project is located. SLX is an independent, multidisciplinary architecture and design studio specializing in transitional quantum spaces architectural design. Like a companionship we are mobile to be able to understand and feel the site & its local inhabitants. In the era of various social, economic and political mutations that our global society is undergoing, the stakes of cities and their suburbs have changed, it becomes urgent to rethink and anticipate the contemporary world! The SLX studio develops new forms of organization and dynamic programming related to our society to condition new ways of living and living together. Far from appearing in the fields of utopia, it is on the contrary with the closest of the expectations and the modes of life that our research is situated.The studio was founded by Stéphane Lacroix in 2008. With two plugs based 1 in Asia and 1 in Europe. The company is culturally diverse with a modest yet ambitious ecological approach to each project @SLX.